The Mining History Journal

Volume 14 - 2007


Journal Articles


Jim McBride, The Human Element:  Oral History in Mining History (Download pdf)


Sally Zanjani, How Nevada Began:  Early Prospectors on the Comstock (Download pdf)


Dan Plazak, The Imaginary Gold Mines of Kansas (Download pdf)


Roger Burt, Technological Backwardness in the Western American Mining Industry in the Nineteenth Century (Download pdf)


Robert Sorgenfrei and Heather Whitehead, Geological and Corporate Controversies at the Homestake Mine, 1926-1931 (Download pdf)


Hobart Bauhan, A Tour at the Climax Mine, Summer of 1953 (Download pdf)


Lysa Wegman-French (Compiler), Recent Publications on the History of Mining (Download pdf)



Book Reviews


Kelly J. Dixon, Boomtown Saloons:  Archaeology and History in Virginia City

Reviewed by H. David Ware

(Download pdf)


Robert E. McHenry (Compiler), Chat Dumps of the Missouri Lead Belt:  St. Francois County

Reviewed by Jim Besthelme

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Sally Zanjani, Devils Will Reign:  How Nevada Began

Reviewed by Ronald James

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Geoffrey L. Buckley, Extracting Appalachia:  Images of the Consolidation Coal Company, 1910-1945

Reviewed by Robert Wolensky

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Thomas Dublin and Walter Licht, The Face of Decline:  The Pennsylvania Anthracite Region in the Twentieth Century

Reviewed by Eric Clements

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Colleen Whitley (Editor), From the Ground Up:  The History of Mining in Utah

Reviewed by Eric Clements

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John L. Ninnemann and Duane A. Smith, San Juan Bonanza:  Western Colorado’s Mining Legacy

Reviewed by Eric Clements

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Michael J. Makley, The Infamous King of the Comstock:  William Sharon and the Gilded Age in the West

Reviewed by Ronald Limbaugh

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Albert L. Hurtado, John Sutter:  A Life on the North American Frontier

Reviewed by Duane A. Smith

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Robert W. Whitmore and Robert C. Lawrence, Jr., The Pegmatite Mines Known as Palermo

Reviewed by Johnny Johnsson

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Fritz Wolff, A Room for the Summer:  Adventure, Misadventure, and Seduction in the Mines of the Coeur D’Alene

Robert Lenon with Robert and Judith Whitcomb, It Seems Like Only Yesterday:  Mining and Mapping in Arizona’s First Century,  Vol. 1:  The Yuma Years, and Vol. 2:  Bisbee and Patagonia

Teresa Williams Irvin, Let the Tail Go With the Hide:  The Story of Ben F. Williams

Reviewed by Robert L. Spude

(Download pdf)


Patricia Roppel, Striking it Rich! Gold Mining in Southern Southeast Alaska

Reviewed by Logan Hovis

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