The Mining History Journal

Volume 18 - 2011


Journal Articles


David A. Wolff, Saving a Boomtown: The Reinvention of Deadwood (Download pdf)


Johnny Johnsson, Greenspring Reminiscences: The Last Fifteen Years (Download pdf)


Michael R. Sprowles, Mine Mules: Their Use in Coal Mines in the United States (Download pdf)


Paul J. Bartos, A Light in the Darkness: U. S. Mine Lamp Patents – Shedding Light on Innovation. (Download pdf)


James B. Copeland and Mark A. Vendl, The Wagon Wheel Gap Fluorspar Mine (Download pdf)


Terry S. Reynolds, “The Miners Dread to Use It”: A Comparative Study of the Introduction of Nitroglycerin on the Lake Superior Copper and Iron Ranges, 1865 - 1880 (Download pdf)


Richard Francaviglia, The Treasures of Aladdin: Orientalizing the Mining Frontier (Download pdf)


Lysa Wegman-French, Recent Publications on the History of Mining (Download pdf)



Book Reviews


Ed Raines, Historic Photos of Colorado Mining

Reviewed by Eric Clements

(Download pdf)


Alan Murray, Holding the Line: A Narrative History of Australian Coal Miners and their Union in 1980s

Reviewed by Bob Wolensky

(Download pdf)


Larry Lankton, Hallowed Ground: Copper Mining and Community Building on Lake Superior; 1840s - 1990s

Reviewed by Brian Leech

(Download pdf)


Donald L. Hardesty, Mining Archaeology in the American West: A View from the Silver State

Reviewed by Robert Spude

(Download pdf)


Steven T. Mitchell, Nuggets to Neutrinos: The Homestake Story

Reviewed by Duane Smith


Sheila Kelly, Treadwell Gold: An Alaska Saga of Riches and Ruin

Reviewed by Karl Gurcke

(Download pdf)


Ronald H. Limbaugh, Tungsten in Peace and War, 1918 – 1946

Reviewed by Eric Nystrom

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Phylis Cancilla Martinelli, Undermining Race: Ethnic Identities in Arizona Copper Camps, 1880 – 1920

Reviewed by Keith Long

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Front Matter (Download pdf)

Back Matter (Download pdf)

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