The Mining History Journal

Volume 20 - 2013


Journal Articles


Robert L. Spude, “Men of Scope”: The Assayer and the Western Mining Community, 1848–1920 (Download pdf)

Henry Djerlev, My Recollections of the Cinnabar Creek Mine, Aniak District, Alaska, in 1970 (Download pdf)

William Hawes, A Monument Should Be Built Honoring These Guys: The Invention of the Mucking Machine  (Download pdf)

Philip Mosley, Lights! Camera! Fire! Centralia, Pennsylvania, on Film (Download pdf)

Teresa M. Houser, Native American Sovereignty and Coal Mining in the Powder River Basin (Download pdf)

James B. Copeland, Mining Stock Exchanges and Financing the Colorado Mining Industry, 1864-1900 (Download pdf)

 Lysa Wegman-French, Recent Publications on the History of Mining (Download pdf)


Book Reviews


Janet Floyd, Claims and Speculations: Mining and Writing in the Gilded Age
Reviewed by Richard Lingenfelter (Download pdf)

Bob Weldin, The Dry Diggin’s Club
Reviewed by Duane Smith (Download pdf)

Catherine Holder Spude, et al., Eldorado! The Archaeology of Gold Mining in the Far North.
Reviewed by Rolfe Buzzell (Download pdf)

Janet Finn, Mining Childhood: Growing Up in Butte, 1900-1960
Reviewed by Eric Nystrom (Download pdf)

David R. Berman, Politics, Labor, and the War on Big Business: The Path of Reform in Arizona, 1890-1920
Reviewed by Keith Long  (Download pdf)

Front Matter (Download pdf)

Back Matter (Download pdf)

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