The Mining History Journal

Volume 25 - 2018


Journal Articles 

Peter Maciulaitis, Persistence of Memory, Fragments of a Life: Getting’ a Start in a Career in Mining.
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Terry S. Reynolds, Inviting a Pernicious Opposition: Company Stores on the Michigan Iron Range.
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Thomas Rademacher, Wisconsin Sand and Gravel Mining: From Nineteenth-Century Gravel Pits to Twenty-First Century Frac Sand Mines.
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Gage McKinney, Order L-208: The Closing of America’s Gold Mines during World War II.
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Douglas Baldwin, A Story of Greed: Hawthorne, Morton, and Others on Trial for Cobalt Mining Fraud.
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Lysa Wegman-French, Recent Publications on the History of Mining.
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Book Reviews

Paul J. White, The Archaeology of American Mining.
Reviewed by L. Michael Kaas
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Brian James Leech, The City that Ate Itself: Butte, Montana and Its Expanding Berkeley Pit.
Reviewed by Chris Huggard.
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Tony Bamonte and Susan Schaeffer Bamonte, The Coeur d’Alenes Gold Rush and Its Lasting Legacy.
Reviewed by Susan Vetter
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Doug Ammons, A Darkness Lit by Heroes: The Granite Mountain-Speculator Mine Disaster of 1917.
Reviewed by Fredric L. Quivik 
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Lorena Beniquez, Lost Coal Country of Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Reviewed by Dawn Bunyak
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Paul-Andre Rosenthal (ed.), Silicosis: A World History.
Reviewed by Lloyd B. Tepper
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R. D. Saunders, Underground and Radioactive: Adventures of a Uranium Miner in 1970s New Mexico.
Reviewed by Jane Bardal
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Index to Articles Published in the Mining History Journal, 2014-2018.

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