The Mining History Journal

Volume 5 - 1998


Journal Articles 

Sally Zanjani, “Women Prospectors in the Gold Rush:  Profiles in Courage.” Presidential Address for 1998.  (Download pdf)


Paul Kens, “John C. Fremont and the Biddle Boggs Case:  Property Rights versus Mining Rights in Early California.”  (Download pdf)


Art Gomez, “If the Wall Could Speak:  Mariscal Mine and the West Texas Quicksilver Industry, 1896-1946.”  (Download pdf)


Ed Hunter, “The Carlton Tunnel:  It Never Was a Bore.”  (Download pdf)


Duane A. Smith, “So Fleet the Works of Man:  The Ballad of Baby Doe and Mining.” (Download pdf)


Erik Nordberg, “Company Houses Along the Picket Line:  A Photographic Essay on the Michigan Copper Strike of 1913.”  (Download pdf)


Don Dingsdag and Henry Lee, “Avoiding Unnecessary Interference:  The Coal Fields Inspectorate in New South Wales and British Columbia.”  (Download pdf)


Charles Caldwell Hawley, “Wesley Earl Dunkle: The Years for Stephen Birch, 1910-1929.”  (Download pdf)


Eric Roy Twitty, “From Steam Engines to Electric Motors: Electrification in the Cripple Creek Mining District.”  (Download pdf)


Richard V. Francaviglia, “In Her Image:  Some Reflections on Gender and Power in Mining History.”  (Download pdf)


Donald L. Hardesty, “1998 Review of Mining Archaeology and Historic Preservation.”  (Download pdf)

Front Matter
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