The Mining History Journal

Volume 16 - 2009


Journal Articles


Ronald Limbaugh, The Mining History Association:  Some Thoughts on Future Meetings (Download pdf)


Morris T. Worley, The Cane Creek Mine Disaster:  Personal Observations (Download pdf)


Terry S. Reynolds, A Tale of Two Companies:  The Cleveland Iron Mining Company and the Iron Cliffs Company, 1850-1891  (Download pdf)


L. Michael Kaas, The Silver Hill Mine:  First Silver Mine in the United States and Supplier of Lead to the Confederacy (Download pdf)


Paul J. Bartos, A Light in the Darkness:  U. S. Mine Lamps, the Early Years-Candlesticks, Oil Lamps, and Safety Lamps (Download pdf)


Eric Clements, Photo Essay: Some Scenes from the Eighth International Mining Congress, Cornwall, UK (Download pdf)

Lysa Wegman-French (Compiler), Recent Publications on the History of Mining (Download pdf)


Book Reviews


Mary Jane Gentry, The Birth of a Texas Ghost Town:  Thurber, 1886-1933

Reviewed by Gene Rhea Tucker

(Download pdf)


Larry Jacobsen, Jewel of the Kootenays:  The Emerald Mine

Reviewed by Duane A. Smith

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Michael G. Impero, The Lone Jack:  King of the Mount Baker Mining District

Reviewed by Bob Weldin

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Gordon Morris Bakken, The Mining Law of 1872:  Past, Politics, and Prospects

Reviewed by Stan Dempsey

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F. Darrell Munsell, From Redstone to Ludlow:  John Cleveland Osgood’s Struggle Against the United Mine Workers of America

Reviewed by Eric Clements

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John Mason Hart, The Silver of the Sierra Madre:  John Robinson, Boss Shepherd, and the People of the Canyons

Reviewed by Eleanor Swent

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Robert P. Wolensky and Joseph M. Keating, Tragedy at Avondale:  The Causes, Consequences, and Legacy of the Pennsylvania Anthracite Coal Industry’s Most Deadly Mining Disaster, September 6, 1869

Reviewed by Johnny Johnsson
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Front Matter (Download pdf)

Back Matter (Download pdf)

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