The Mining History Journal

Volume 12 - 2005


Journal Articles

Ron Brown, Julian W. Feiss, Geologist and Educational Theorist (Download pdf)

Dawn Bunyak, The Inventor, the Patent, and Carrie Everson: Defining Success (Download pdf)

Ron James, Disasters on the Mining Frontier: A Look at Two Events on the Comstock (Download pdf)

Paul Mogensen, The Stratton Independence Controversy Revisited (Download pdf)

Robert Spude, The Arizona Photographic Company and the Mine Promotion Game (Download pdf)

Doug Kupel, The Gold King Mine and Mansion: Relics of Mining History in Mohave County (Download pdf)

Stephen LeDuc, The Ethnic Composition of Underground Labor in a Michigan Copper Township: A Quantitative Portrait, 1870-1920 (Download pdf)

Compiled by Lysa Wegman-French, Recent Publications on the History of Mining (Download pdf)


Book Reviews

George D. Torok, A Guide to Historic Coal Towns of the Big Sandy River Valley

Reviewed By Richard Francaviglia

(Download pdf)


Robert E. Ficken, Unsettled Boundaries: Fraiser Gold and the British American Northwest

Reviewed By Robert Spude

(Download pdf)

Carol Arlen, Colorado Mining Stories: Hazards, Heroics and Humor

Eric Twitty, Riches to Rust: A Guide to Mining in the Old West

Reviewed By Duane Smith

(Download pdf)

John Park, Missouri Mining Heritage Guide

Reviewed By Jim Besleme

(Download pdf)


Sally Zanjani, The Glory Days in Goldfield, Nevada

Reviewed By Ron James

(Download pdf)


Marguerite Sprague, Bodie's Gold: Tall Tales and True History, from a California Mining Town

James Williams, Fugitive Slave in the Gold Rush: Life and Adventures of James Williams

Reviewed By Ron Limbaugh

(Download pdf)

Nancy Taniguchi, Castle Valley America: Hard Land, Hard-Won Home

Reviewed By Richard Francaviglia

(Download pdf)

Raymond Dumett,
El Dorado in West Africa: The Gold-Mining Frontier, African- Labor
Colonial Capitalism in the Gold Coast, 1875-1900

Reviewed By Jim Jones
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Jose Deustua, The Bewitchment of Silver. The Social Economy of Mining in Nineteenth Century Peru
Reviewed By Eleanor Swent
(Download pdf)

Lee Scamehorn, High Altitude Energy: A History of Fossil Fuels in Colorado
Reviewed By Eric Clements
(Download pdf)

Duane Smith, San Juan Gold: A Mining Engineers Adventures, 1879-1881
Reviewed By Ed Hunter
(Download pdf)

Stephen Castor and Gregory Ferdock, Minerals of Nevada
Reviewed By Ed Raines
(Download pdf)

Carrie Papa, A Mile Deep and Black as Pitch: An Oral History of the Franklin and Sterling Hill Mines
Reviewed By Mark Langenfeld
(Download pdf)

Duane Smith and John Moriarty, The Ballad of Baby Doe: I Shall Walk Beside My Love
Reviewed By Silvia Pettem
(Download pdf)

James Williams, Fugitive Slave in the Gold Rush: Life and Adventures of James Williams
Kenneth Owens (ed.), Riches for All: The California Gold Rush and the World.
Reviewed By Eleanor Swent
(Download pdf)

David Wolff, Industrializing the Rockies: Growth, Competition, and Turmoil in the Coalfields of Colorado and Wyoming, 1868-1914

Reviewed By Eric Clements
(Download pdf)

Front Matter (Download pdf)

Back Matter (Download pdf)

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