The Mining History Journal

Volume 21 - 2014


Journal Articles 

Roger Burt, Diamond Core Drills: Their Evolution, Early Development, and Consequences for Mining and Quarrying. (Download pdf)

Eric C. Nystrom, Editor, In the Aftermath of Tragedy: Herschel Wence and the 1925 City Mine Disaster, Sullivan County, Indiana. (Download pdf)

L. Michael Kaas, Richard W. Pascoe, Mine Superintendent. (Download pdf)

Andrew Johnston, Mines, Mining, Miners on Mariscal Mountain: Landscape and People in Cultural Resource Management. (Download pdf)

Larry Godwin, Emil Fischer, Guide to the San Juan Mines. (Download pdf)
(CLICK HERE to view Emil Fischer’s maps)

Eric L. Clements, Forgotten Ghosts of the Southern Colorado Coal Fields: A Photo Essay. (Download pdf)

Lysa Wegman-French, Recent Publications on the History of Mining. (Download pdf)

Book Reviews

Robert P. Wolensky and William A. Hastie, Sr., Anthracite Labor Wars: Tenancy, Italians, and Organized Crime in the Northern Coal Field of Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Reviewed by Jack Daemen.
(Download pdf)

Norman Rosenblatt, Dance with the Bear: The Joe Rosenblatt Story.
Reviewed by Bill Hawes. (Download pdf)

Matthew Kierstead, From Copperas to Cleanup: The History of Vermont’s Elizabeth Copper Mine.
Reviewed by Johnny Johnsson. (Download pdf)

Kent A. Curtis, Gambling on Ore: The Nature of Metal Mining in the United States, 1860-1910.
Reviewed by Chris Huggard. (Download pdf)

Peter Alexander, et al., Marikana: Voices of South Africa’s Mining Massacre.
Reviewed by Pavithra Yarayanan. (Download pdf)

Matthew L. Basso, Meet Joe Copper: Masculinity and Race on Montana’s World War II Home Front.
Reviewed by Brian James Leech. (Download pdf)

Gwyn A. Williams, The Merthyr Rising.
Reviewed by Eric L. Clements. (Download pdf)

Mark A. Vendl, Duane A. Smith, and Karen A. Vendl, My Home at Present: Life in the Mine Boarding Houses in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado.
Reviewed by Silvia Pettem. (Download pdf)

James Rada, Jr., Saving Shallmar: Christmas Spirit in a Coal Town.
Reviewed by Robert P. Wolensky. (Download pdf)

Eric C. Nystrom, Seeing Underground: Maps, Models, and Mining Engineering in America.
Reviewed by Eric L. Clements. (Download pdf)

Karen Dustman, Silver Mountain City: Ghost of the Sierras.
Reviewed by Ron Limbaugh.
(Download pdf)

Front Matter (Download pdf)

Back Matter (Download pdf)

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